Friday, September 23, 2016

Definition, Synonyms and Antonyms

3rd Grade students learned how to use the dictionary. With the aid of the dictionary the students wrote the definition and synonyms of the word respect. Each class created a mind map about respect and posted it on the classroom wall.   

·     During their Greek lesson, 6th Grade students created a project about the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of respect on cardboard.

Link 6 Green : Class 6 Green

Link 6 Blue :  Class 6 Blue  

Monday, September 19, 2016


·    Students from 3rd – 6th grade answered a questionnaire that examined their knowledge on the participant countries but also their initial knowledge and attitude towards respect.

Questionnaire Link : Questionnaire

Results Link : Results

Thursday, September 15, 2016

First School Day

·         On the first day of the school year, we presented to all students of all classes the collaboration topic, the countries that participate and the importance of this project.

Link :  Presentation

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

About the Project

Confucius said: "Without feelings of respect, what is there to distinguish Men from beasts?" According to psychologists, respect is a basic moral value or need which makes us aware that we are human beings and it is related to happiness, productivity and success. Moreover, when people respect each other, there is less conflict and less fighting. The awareness about respect must be instilled in every human being from his/her childhood.

That is why we strongly believe that it should be cultivated to pupils at school in a more consistent way, as part of the curriculum, as it is a very important value. After studying the meaning of respect, the project will be divided into three very important aspects: Self-Respect, Respecting Others, Respecting the Environment (Property). Different activities will be carried out for all 3 aspects each year, in order to inculcate this value to our pupils.

Due to the topic selected, the problems that will be addressed in this project are pollution, racism, xenophobia and bullying, low self-esteem and disrespectful behavior. So, this cooperation is a great opportunity for teachers, pupils, pupils’ parents and community. Teachers can develop new skills, get some information about different educational systems, practice ICT and language skills in their personal capacity, broaden their knowledge about countries, cultures. As a result of this project pupils will acquire positive self-esteem, which is necessary for other types of respect, happiness and success, become more respectful towards others and the environment.

Moreover, they will be able to say their opinion, without criticizing and insulting others and become more receptive to critic. Generally. they will become more tolerant and open-minded, understand rules' importance and follow them willingly, increase their English communication and ICT skills, become aware of their national and European identity. Parents will benefit not only because of their children’s personal and academic development, but they will also have some opportunities to support school in various activities.

Schools will gain a lot by the new curriculum where respect will be consistently promoted as part of curricula and also by the integration of different subjects (art, music, English language, maths, geography, IT PE etc). Community will also be favored by the change in the attitude of pupils as far as respect to nature is concerned and through active citizenship that will be the result of positive self-esteem. Moreover, respectful citizens will not cause so many problems to community since they will know well enough which actions are respectful and which are not.