Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Compliment Week

·      Compliment week. Following a draw, every student picked a classmate's name and every day for a week they had to compliment their classmate and write down the reaction they had. The purpose of this activity was to strengthen the positive behavior of students with regard to their classmates, promoting respect among students.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Self Respect Week

·      All students participated on the “Self Respect Week” (Me and My Self-Respect Week). During that week, students took part in several activities that helped them realize positive traits about themselves (appearance, behavior and skills) in order to boost their self-esteem. Students of the Art club designed and painted words and pictures that are related to self-esteem. All their drawings adorn the first floor of our school.




Friday, November 18, 2016

Transnational Meeting

·       (23rd - 27th of November).  Two of our school teachers participated in the transnational meeting that took place in Shumen Bulgaria at SAVA DOBROPLODNY Secondary School. Several issues were discussed like what new activities to introduce to students up to March 2017 and  all the activities that took place up to now were reviewed. Participants were given a tour of the city, they visited historic monuments, attended some classroom activities and watched a cultural event derived from local tradition.
      Link : Video

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Articles on Respect

6th Grade Students studied and analyzed newspaper and magazine articles on respect. The articles were presented and discussed in classroom. Students had to think and write 3 practical examples of how they can show their respect with regard to their parents and teachers.

Link : Projects

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Solar Energy Park

·      During their science class, 6th Grade students  examined the various sources of renewable energy and in particular solar energy. In the context of environmental respect, students visited Cyprus University’s photo-voltaic park to learn the operation, advantages and disadvantages of the photo-voltaic. Students were asked to present on a cardboard what they have learned both from the lesson and the visit. 
      Link :  Renewable Energy

Friday, November 4, 2016

4th Grade

·     During their Greek lesson, 4th Grade students studied synonyms and antonyms of the word respect. Then they were asked to write and draw on a cardboard ways they can show their respect to their teachers, friends, family and other people. 

      Link : Projects