Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Xmas Cards Exchange

Our students exchanged Xmas cards with the students of the schools we are collaborating with, while some of our classes had the chance to get to know, exchange wishes and sing a song in Greek and in English with other students from abroad through Skype.

Link : Xmas Cards

Monday, December 12, 2016

Craft Shack

Pupils during their Craft Shack group using a felt created an imprint of their palm. All the creations where used to create a special Christmas Tree. The purpose of this activity was to help students understand the meaning of identity, self esteem and the importance of unity and respect towards other people.

Monday, December 5, 2016


·       6th grade students studied the various dangers that the environment has to face while reading the poem “Dreamer” by Brian Moses. There was a discussion in the classroom about pollution, climate change, endangered species and deforestation. Students were asked to brainstorm ideas of how we can prevent the environmental destruction. Every classroom ended up with 3 practical suggestions that they could follow. By signing an improvised agreement all students committed to adopt and put into practice these suggestions throughout the year.